The Pathway To: Next Generation Geothermal Power Commercial Liftoff

Geothermal power technology has shown compelling advances that can enable it to become a key contributor to secure, domestic, decarbonized power generation for the U.S. as a source of clean firm power.
Geothermal heat pump systems use 25%-50% less electricity than conventional heating or cooling systems.

Next-gen geothermal vastly expands the total resource available for geothermal power generation and creates a unique value proposition as a clean firm technology with the potential for flexible generation/energy storage, a minimal footprint, and broad geographic availability.

Next-gen geothermal approaches leverage technologies developed by oil & gas to engineer humanmade reservoirs from ubiquitous hot rock, rather than hunting for naturally-occuring reservoirs in unique locations. In a world where the US grid will need 700-900 GW of additional clean firm capacity by 2050, next-gen geothermal could provide 90 GW by 2050, and up to 300 GW depending on the development of storage capabilities and other emerging technologies.

On April 12, 2024, DOE will host a virtual fireside chat and webinar featuring senior DOE leaders to explore the "Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Next-Generation Geothermal Power" report. Please register here.

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