Explore Geothermal Power Digital Solutions to Increase Operational Productivity and Longevity Workshop

Geothermal Rising and BiaTech Corporation are partnering on this workshop to seek to answer the question: How do we extend the life of existing geothermal power plants?
Calpine West Regional Office, Walnut Creek, CA
Workshop Summary

Geothermal Rising and BiaTech Corporation are partnering on this workshop to seek to answer the question: How do we extend the life of existing geothermal power plants?

If new geothermal plant construction takes 6 to 8 years to site, fund, permit, construct, connect to the grid and commission, the near-term opportunity for geothermal’s unique base-load renewable power is to produce more from plants we have and extend their life. We live in a disposable culture with solar and wind also challenged to extend life versus scrap and replace. How does geothermal disrupt the disposable cultural mindset? 

Workshop Information





Workshop Goals and Objectives

Workshop attendees will be joined the facilitators and speakers for a  common purpose:

  • Increase geothermal plant productivity and longevity
  • Discuss data availability and challenges supporting operational decision making
  • Share digital solutions and monitoring innovations
  • Bring together those of similar mission and passion for the greater good
  • Inform BiaTech’s future product development to build tech the industry needs

Participants will have actionable take aways:

  • Understand key geothermal power operating decisions and impact on performance
  • Identify areas of focus for your company
  • Leave with a prioritized list of questions or data needed to improve site performance
  • Build new industry connections and an extended network

The workshop follows Chatham House Rule – participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker, nor that of any other participant, may be shared. This is intended to bring people together, break down barriers, generate ideas that can help the industry grow and agree on likely solutions.