Board of Directors

The Geothermal Rising Board of Directors is comprised of thirteen voting members in 2024 with newly elected representatives serving in the Heat Pump, At-Large, Direct Use, and Academic seats.

Geothermal heat pump systems use 25%-50% less electricity than conventional heating or cooling systems.
Jericho Reyes
Calpine Corporation - The Geysers
Vice President
Jeanine Vany
Eavor Technologies Inc.
Executive Director
Bryant Jones
Geothermal Rising
Policy Chair
Caity Smith
At-Large Seat
Leland Davis
Geologica Geothermal Group
Government Seat
Elisabeth de Jong
Southern California Public Power Authority
Owner/Operator Seat
Nick Goodman
Alpine Energy
Heat Pump Seat
Cindy Demichel
Celsius Energy
Research/Academic Seat
Steve Cheung
Developer Seat
Monte Morrison
Hot H2O Engineering
International Seat
Lisa Mueller
FutEra Power Corp.
At Large Seat
Jaclyn Urbank
Consultant Seat
Jonathan Hernandez
Brightcore Energy
At Large Seat
Robin Zuza
Ormat Technologies, Inc.
Student Seat
Travis Broadhurst
University of New Mexico