Croatian Perspectives on the Renewable Heating and Cooling Market – A Roundtable

February 11, 2025

Join us for an insightful roundtable organized by the RHC-ETIP platform, focusing on Croatian perspectives on achieving 100% renewable heating and cooling. Part of a series of national roundtables, this webinar will present the RHC-ETIP platform to national stakeholders and highlight tools that can support their work.

The event will feature discussions on unique challenges and strategies tailored to Croatia’s specific climate, social, and market conditions. Stakeholders will share their expertise and perspectives on key technologies for renewable heating and cooling, paving the way for a sustainable and resilient future in the sector.

More information

Full Steam Ahead: Spotlight on Award-winning Student Research

December 10th, 2024.
Zoom webinar

Please join us for an educational and inspiring webinar where students who won GR Scholarships share their work. 


  • ​​​​​​​Vanessa Robertson- Director of Policy & Education, Geothermal Rising 
  • Margariete Malenda - "Linking microstructural, transport, and elastic property evolution in low porosity rocks upon thermal shocking"
  • Alex Martin - "Waste to Value: Quantifying Availability at Hellisheidi Combined Heat and Power Plant"
  • Princewill Okechukwu - "Geothermal Energy Investigation of the Ruwan-Zafi Hotspring Region, Northeastern Nigeria, using Aeromagnetic Data"


Photo of Margariete Malenda
Margariete Malenda

Margariete studied geology at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania as an undergraduate. She then earned her MSc. in geochemistry at Colorado School of Mines, and her PhD. in geophysics at Stanford University. Her PhD thesis used experiments to explore whether fast decreases in temperature can influence transport and elastic properties of geothermal reservoir rocks.

Photo of Alex Martin
Alex Martin

Alex Martin holds a bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder and is currently pursuing a master's in Sustainable Energy Engineering at the Iceland School of Energy. Her thesis focuses on geothermal energy, exploring themes of responsible resource management, cascade utilization, innovation, and the circular economy through the lens of operational processes. In addition to her academic work, she has experience in both high- and low-temperature geothermal applications in the USA and Iceland.

Photo of Princewill Okechukwu
Princewill Okechukwu

Princewill Nnamdi Okechukwu is a second-year Master’s student at the University of Padua, specializing in Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources with a focus on geothermal energy. He has extensive research experience in using both passive and active geophysical exploration methods to identify and quantify geothermal resources, particularly in underexplored regions. His notable work includes pioneering geothermal research in Nigeria, such as his published study on modeling geothermal energy potential in the Ruwan-Zafi Hot Spring region using aeromagnetic data. 

As the founder of the first geothermal energy startup in West Africa, Princewill is committed to advancing sustainable energy solutions and achieving global climate goals. He is a recipient of the prestigious Marcelo Lippmann Graduate Scholarship from Geothermal Rising, awarded for his exceptional contributions to the field.  
At the University of Padua, Princewill’s research emphasizes innovative approaches to geothermal exploration in areas with limited prior geological data. His work bridges academic rigor with practical applications, aiming to transform energy landscapes through geothermal development.

Full Steam Ahead:Geothermal workforce and the role of collegiate competitions

This Full Steam Ahead webinar is a collaboration with the Geothermal Rising Student Committee and is geared towards college students and geothermal professionals, highlighting the critical need of industry support in creating a sustainable and thriving geothermal workforce.
ZOOM Webinar

Date: September 17th, 2024

Time: 11:00-12:30 Central Time

Platform: Zoom webinar

Register for FREE Here

Title: The role collegiate competitions play in growing and strengthening the geothermal industry 

Description: Come hear from past participants and industry mentors on the impact collegiate competitions and project based learning can have in driving the growth of the geothermal industry. This webinar is geared towards college students and geothermal professionals, highlighting the critical need of industry support in creating a sustainable and thriving geothermal workforce. 

Full Steam ahead-Sept 17th


Full Steam Ahead Webcast-Inclusive growth of the organization and industry

Please join the GR DEI Committee as we discuss strategies of growing your industry into a diverse and equitable community.
Wednesday August 28, 2024

We hope you join us as we host speakers discussing why DEI is important through presentation, data, references and future initiatives.  Do you want to know more? Join to learn how to get involved and how Geothermal Rising is leading the way for the Geothermal Industry.

Register Here 

Times for all the zones. 1PM PST / 2PM MST / 3PM CST / 4EST

Geothermal Rising's Full Steam Ahead Webcast Series: Digging into the Geothermal Liftoff Report

April 30, 2024 11:00AM Eastern

This webinar will provide a deep dive into the Department of Energy’s newly-published Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Next-Generation Geothermal Power report. The Pathways to Commercial Liftoff Reports are the product of comprehensive stakeholder engagement, combining system-level modeling with project-level financial analysis. These reports offer valuable insights, identifying key themes and interactions among various grid technologies. While they do not represent official DOE policy or strategic plans, they serve as crucial resources for decision-makers in the energy sector, investors, and a broader range of stakeholders. 

The crux of the Next-Generation Geothermal Power Liftoff is that Geothermal power technology has shown compelling advances that can enable it to become a key contributor to secure, domestic, decarbonized power generation for the U.S. as a source of clean firm power.  “Commercial liftoff”, or the point at which the technology can sustain itself without external support, can be reached as early as 2030 with 2 to 5 gigawatts of new power online in 5 to 10 unique geographies that have not yet been identified as geothermal resources.  In this webinar, the report’s lead authors, Dr. Charles Gertler and Dr. Mike O’Connor, will outline the support for this assessment, and outline the key partnerships, business models, and support mechanisms that could be leveraged to ensure Liftoff is achieved.  We look forward to your attendance!

Register here.


Scheduled Time Frame

IRA Tax Implications for the Geothermal Industry

March 27, 2024 at 10:00am CDT

Join our policy leaders in the discussion on IRA Tax implications and what the IRA Provides for Geothermal Technologies.
The IRA includes extensions for the investment tax credit (ITC) and for the production tax credit (PTC). Any projects that want to take advantage of these extensions must begin construction before January 1st, 2025, unless it's for geothermal exchange systems, which have been extended to January 1st, 2035. Geo exchange systems are low temperature, shallow exchange systems that serve building heat pumps and thermal energy networks. Because of the massive push toward distributed thermal energy, or Thermal Energy Networks (TENs), disadvantaged communities will have access to clean heating, cooling & domestic hot water (DHW) with a simple utility connection.



California GEO's Underground Learning Sessions: Drillers’ Roundtable

March 20, 2024

CaliforniaGeo is pleased to offer a series of online regular meetings we call The Underground  for registered participants.  Some sessions carry AIA Learning Unit credit for an additional fee.  Contact us for details.  Our productions use our Zoom platform, lasting one hour, Noon-to-1pm Pacific Time.  The topic may be an issue, a technique, or a technology—or how certain policies and regulations may affect those.

On March 20th during the Noon Hour (PDT) our next UNDERGROUND will feature a panel of experienced geo drillers to share their knowledge and experience. This session is FREE to all who register!

California needs more qualified geo drillers, and one of our questions will deal with whether or how can a current (water well only) driller could boost the geo drilling effort? Identical underground regional conditions for drilling are extremely rare and drillers need to be ready to meet the moment to preserve production drilling efficiency.

Register here

Full Steam Ahead: Geothermal Heating & Cooling - Tech²

February 7th, 2024 at 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST

Join Brightcore Energy Geothermal Experts as they discuss the latest Technology & Techniques (Tech²) in geothermal that are helping building owners and developers meet mandates, reduce operating expenses, and improve their GHG emissions. Guests include Jonathan Hernandez (Director of Business Development, Geothermal), Mike Richter (President), Dave Hermantin (SVP Geothermal Heating & Cooling) and Tracey Ogden (VP Drilling Operations).

Register here

Always On: Geothermal Conversations with Global Leaders - Mexico

November 16, 2023 at 12:00 Central Time (11:00 Mountain Time / 19:00 Central European Time)

Dr. Marit Brommer (International Geothermal Association) and Dr. Bryant Jones (Geothermal Rising) travel the world hosting fireside chats with association leaders to discuss topics and themes of a growing global geothermal industry. Join Marit and Bryant as they connect with Heber Diez, President of the Mexican Geothermal Association.

Register here